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End of the Line Community Crate Series #87


Crate Series #87

This crate is special. Its contents are unknown and requires a End of the Line Community Crate Key to unlock. Items found from an EOTL Community Crate before January 5th, 2015, will receive a commemorative early supporter tag. The End of the Line Community Crate contains Unusual effects that will only come from this crate.

This crate contains one of the following items:

Wartime Warmth

Insulated Inventor

Brooklyn Booties

Double Dynamite

Coldsnap Cap

Snow Stompers

North Polar Fleece

Fur-lined Fighter

Boxcar Bomber

Bomber's Bucket Hat

Screamin' Eagle

Winter Woodsman

Snow Sleeves

Flashdance Footies

Thermal Tracker

Condor Cap

Mistaken Movember

Double Dog Dare Demo Pants

Sleeveless in Siberia

Hunter Heavy

Coldfront Curbstompers

Cold Snap Coat

The Crossing Guard

Wartime Warmth

Insulated Inventor

Brooklyn Booties

Double Dynamite

Coldsnap Cap

Snow Stompers

North Polar Fleece

Fur-lined Fighter

Boxcar Bomber

Bomber's Bucket Hat

Screamin' Eagle

Winter Woodsman

Snow Sleeves

Flashdance Footies

Thermal Tracker

Condor Cap

Mistaken Movember

Double Dog Dare Demo Pants

Sleeveless in Siberia

Hunter Heavy

Coldfront Curbstompers

Cold Snap Coat

The Crossing Guard

Taunt: Pool Party

or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!

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Automated Steam client for sending and receiving items. All you need to do is confirm the trade on your smartphone